A huge part of our company’s success is the ambitious competitiveness that we strike at our domestic and international markets. This gives us our daily dose of motivation to be better and improve ourselves with the product quality, service, and cost saving to offer global high standard products.
Customer Service
We have 2 Customer Service departments:
Domestic Sales Department
Global Export Sales Department
Both of which have the task to contact, provide feedback, answer questions, provide professional help to each area and to give personal service to each of our customers.
Added Value
Quality, Fast Service, Competitive Prices, Years of Experience, Global Market Knowledge, Specialized Labor in each area starting from receiving, production, management and executive management.
Equipment and Installations
Our highly specialized and global branded equipment consists of 95% Italian machinery and the rest are Spanish, Brazilian and domestic.
The result of having this type of equipment is an efficient and effective mechanical operation of our processes towards the products we offer.
The installations of our tannery where we have the Wet Process “Salted Hides to Crust” consists of a 8500 square meter Production Area surface divided into two connected plants.
Additionally we have two plants where we do the finishing process whereas one plant is specialized in Patent Finish leathers and has a great production capacity.